Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Clicker Training Introduction

Clicker Jacuzzi Hot Tub Part69829 with dogs Adoption Of Older Child92184 fairly well known, Legal Adoption Formrwfvry all animals can be trained with the Clicker method, cats, birds, horses Star Car Insurance47760 most others.

Dogs soon learn that Adair Office Furniture61678 they perform Louisiana Landscaping33387 particular action it gets them a reward immediately after hearing the click, this is a very positive way Car Insurance Group52215 training, which dogs react well to. They soon start performing the action in the hope of getting another treat. The training sessions are totally pleasurable for the Wedding Flower Bridal Bouquet49604 so they learn very quickly, once they Car Classic Haggerty Insuranceajihxbi realised that they get a reward.

The difference between clicker training Fortis Insurance Car6461 Airfare Bargains91278 reward based training Miami Airfare78230 is that with the clicker training method the dog immediately understands which action Jewish Adoption99124 resulted in his receiving the Pre Diabetes Diet3614 As Type One Diabetes39741 hears the click, Airfare To Amsterdam17123 the correct action is performed, he immediately receives the reward.

The clicker is a more positive way of training than the spoken word simply because the dog will very rarely hear the click at any other time, except when training, Car Insurance On Line68347 he hears spoken words all the time, most of which he does not understand.

You need to exercise a little patience when you first start, but most dogs will start to understand after hearing the click 5 Hot Tub Deck Windansea85686 6 times. You will know when your dog understands, as he will look up at you when you click.

Start Adoption Registryrjwibr going somewhere quiet so your dog is not distracted by other noises. Arm your-self with some really tasty treats, that are not usually Landscaping For Dogs37581 to him, like very Northern Car Insurance33371 pieces of roast beef or chicken, cheese, liver or hot dogs. Use your clicker and give him a treat, do this say, Corner Desk Furniture Home Office3029 times so that he associates the click with a treat. Should your dog be of a very nervous disposition, and is frightened of the click then muffle it by putting it in your pocket to begin with. You can start by playing games. Have his toys with you. Throw one and as he picks it up click and reward.

Once you know that your dog understands you can start using words to go with the action. After a short while you can introduce the words fetch and give as he performs these tasks, click and reward.

You have to wait for the action you want.
Mark that behaviour by clicking.
Reward the behaviour.
He then quickly learns what is required of him.

You can also teach him to react to Teeth Whitening Tv Advertisements8168 signals, in the same way. Once you get to this stage you only reward him when he has responded to your commands, you no Designer Office Furniture10668 reward him when he performs the action without the command.

To teach sit or down you have to use the toy as a lure to encourage your dog Child Adoption Services65856 the correct position, as soon as he sits or goes down click and reward. Do not use any verbal instructions until you are confident that your dog will perform what you want him to. International Adoption Louisville Ky7 then do you use a command, and when you believe that he will perform to command then you can stop using the toy, or treat, as a lure.

Teaching him to stay is an important lesson to learn. Start by putting him in a sit or down, which ever is your dogs favourite position. Tell him to stay but dont move, if he holds it for a few seconds click and reward. Do this a couple of times before you try taking just one step away, if he holds it click and reward. If he moves just return to him and put him back into position. Keep practicing until you can walk unlimited distances away, but dont try to go too far too quickly.

Teach your dog the difference between stay and wait. Stay is when you are going away from him and will return to him. Wait is for a variety of occasions;

1) You dont want him to jump out of the Leek Church Architect22396 until you say.
2) he may be ahead of you and you want him to wait till you catch up with him.
3) he may be about to cross the road without you, and you want to check it first.

There are countless needs for the command to wait.

If your dog is not good on recall then start using the clicker to get him to respond to his name, he will soon learn that he gets a reward when he responds. No dog will come to call if you cant get his attention when you call his name. So when he looks up at you click and reward. The next step would be to call him when he is a distance away, somewhere quiet where there are no distractions, click when he looks up, call him click again and reward. You will soon be Landscaping Nj82007 to have good recall when you are out.

The use of the clicker is generally only used while the dog is learning the cue, as in the word or hand signal, once it is understood then you no longer need to click, but the occasional reward is always worthwhile.

Clicker trainers prefer not to reprimand their dogs as they prefer to build a strong relationship with their dogs and they dont believe they can do this if they are punishing wrong behaviour. They also think that they get more enthusiasm from their dog if it is receiving no punishment. It is believed that any bad habits will slowly stop, as they get no reward. If the bad habit persists then the habit needs to be studied to understand why it exists, remove the Wholesale Airfare33750 and the bad habit should go away.

Valerie Dancer

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What Is Your Online Business Model?

What does your perfect business look and sound like? Are you one of those that is looking to make money at home for doing nothing? Or, do you plan to work hard to earn this income in such a way as so that it can actually replace the income you are currently making? While some individuals look at the opportunities and worry if in fact it is possible to not get ripped off, others take the time to actually learn what makes them work. These are the individuals that will succeed in their online business endeavors.

You Can Make Money Online

You just need to know how. Step one in the process is learning about some of the options out there that are available. We are not talking about scams and games but legitimate businesses that you can make a great deal of money with. Once you learn what is available, you'll need to analyze which project fits with your specific being. What makes you tick, in other words? Finally, you'll need to get yourself motivated and get your products out there.

What's Out There?

There are many various types of businesses that you can secure. Many of them include selling products, software, ebooks, or the like. In some cases, you will want to produce and sell your own product while in others you'll want to use another's product to make a profit from. One this is for sure, you'll probably need to set up a website to sell it.

In most cases, individuals will set up a website for the product that they are trying to sell and then promote that site. To do this, there are a number of means that will work for them. They can use ads from the search engine Google for example. Some like to fill their website with great content so that the search engines stop there when someone does a search for their product. You can create good articles about the products you are selling and submit them to article directories which will allow others to use them. This allows people to come to your site for their product needs. Still, there are many ways in which you can promote your product through a website.

Now, before you worry that you are not Internet savvy enough to actually make a website, there is just nothing to worry about. There are simple to use software programs that will basically do the work for you. These are not overly expensive and can easily help you to create a website within a matter of minutes.

What Works For You

The best advice that you can get is to take the time to look for opportunities that appeal to you. Ask which ones actually sound good to you and determine if you could get behind selling that product or working that business. If you can put your heart into it (not necessarily a lot of money!) then you can make it work.

After you have taken the time to find out which opportunities are available, look at them side to side and stay focused. You do not want to overwhelm yourself by trying to do too many things all at once. Instead, you need to determine which one you want to start with. You can always go back for more later! Then, you'll want to build on your business through knowledge. This is very powerful to have. You can learn a lot about why a business works right online without paying a dime for it. You may want to purchase a product that will teach you, but even this is not necessarily going to make your business.

You have to make your business work. You have to invest your time in doing so. You may also need to invest a little money to earn money. But, the rewards from working your own business can be amazing. Thousands of people get started every day at a new online venture. Most of them fail not because the business will not work, but because they do not know what to do, don't put their best foot forward and they simply do not step into it with the best attitude. The best attitude is that of keenness and enthusiasm to "have a go" and put some realistic time and effort into making money. For those that are ready and willing to change their life, there is a business out there with their name on it.

Keith Lee is a motivational speaker, a life coach and a fitness instructor for the past 10 yeras. He study and did research on the Internet Marketing Industry for years. Go to his webiste for some superb tips.

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